Tuesday, March 22, 2011

UK's Global Marketing Campaign

UK tourist authority, VisitBritain has predicted that over 300,000 tourists will visit the country in 2011, not only because of the pending wedding between Prince William and Kate Middleton, but because of economic recovery as well. They are planning to launch a global marketing campaign to promote the UK through the royal wedding, and will specifically target the US, one of Britain's most important markets. VisitBritain is not only planning on publicizing London, but also places like St. Andrews and Anglesey. These are places where the couple has met, spent time, and may be staying in the early stage of their marriage. If this isn't enough to attract photo-crazed tourists, the tourist authority believes that it will still attract tourists to the country later in the year due to the upcoming 2012 Olympic Games. They did not, however, provide any figures for how much the marketing campaign would cost. 

The UK has lost ground on American visitors in recent years, and tourism in general is still below its pre-recession levels. About 3 million more tourists came to the UK in 2006 than they did in 2010, and as the country's fifth-largest industry, tourism is a crucial part for the UK's economic survival. I feel that this marketing campaign is a very good plan for the UK to have, and the royal wedding paired with the 2012 Olympics seems to be exactly what Britain needs to put its tourism market over the top.

For more information, visit: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703548604576037631066642992.html?mod=WSJ_Hospitality_leftHeadlines

1 comment:

  1. So excited for the wedding tomorrow!! BBC starts airing at 4 am - who's getting up to watch?! I'd love to, but I have an exam! :(

    PS - This wedding has definitely drawn a great deal of attention to England lately. I would be very shocked if they haven't yet seen an increase in tourism!
